Focused on helping Springfield’s older homeowners remain in their homes, Restore SGF’s newest program will assist with interior home improvements and help older adults age in place in five neighborhoods across the city.
The nonprofit, which focuses on neighborhood revitalization and increased home ownership, has been operating for just over a year and has already seen success through a Down Payment Assistance Program and a Restore My Block Challenge program that is focused on exterior renovations.
This newest program, Healthy Homes for Seniors, will provide matching funds for Springfieldians to improve their homes’ accessibility and energy efficiency through updates to their doors and windows, floor surfaces, insulation and bathroom accessibility. Through the program, Restore SGF will match dollar-to-dollar on approved projects up to $5,000.
Executive Director Brendan Griesemer said this was not only a way to help seniors remain in their homes and make their home work better for them as mobility changes with age but also to bring the older housing stock up to modern standards.
“Majority of it was built between 1950s and 1970s in the city,” he told the News-Leader. “Tastes have changed over time. And so, in order to adjust with those, we put this program in place so we could assist seniors in adapting that housing that they are living in to today’s standards.”
Who’s eligible?
Unfortunately, the program is not available citywide, at least for now. Currently, the organization focuses on five neighborhoods: Woodland Heights, Fassnight, Grant Beach, Doling Park east of Robberson Avenue, and Meador Park east of National Avenue. These were selected by a Neighborhood Selection Committee that conducted driving tours and evaluated every neighborhood based on historic features, median income, housing market activity, crime rate, nuisance property score, Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) credit eligibility, proximity to large public or private investments and other factors.
Homeowners ages 60 and older living in one of those neighborhoods can apply to the program. It is made possible through a $100,000 grant from the Greene County Senior Citizens’ Services Fund, which sets the minimum age.
The program, opening this month, has already started taking applications. Griesemer said those eligible and interested can call Restore SGF at 417-986-6970 and talk to staff about applying.
Seeking more ongoing funding
With operating several programs, Restore SGF is hoping to both improve Springfield’s existing housing stock and raise the city’s low homeownership. The housing study found only 42% of households in Springfield are homeowners. Restore SGF’s goal is to bring this number to 50% within 10 years, which by their estimations would mean adding or converting 6,500 units.
But in order to do so, the organization needs more consistent funds. So far, the nonprofit has been supported both by the city and private area financial institutions. Previously, the city had allocated $1 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds, $300,000 in a budget allocation and $466,000 slated for Down Payment Assistance (DPA).
With 50 grants of DPA committed, there are currently no more funds to continue on the program this upcoming spring. But during a Springfield City Council meeting Tuesday, Griesemer noted the program has converted rentals into owner-occupied homes in addition to other programs creating momentum in the five neighborhoods to improve overall. He asked council to consider a $500,000 budget allocation early this year, perhaps from carryover funds from the previous budget year, to allow the nonprofit to bring back the DPA program. He said there are already more than 50 people on the waiting list for the program.
By continuing DPA, interior and exterior improvement programs to keep neighborhoods attractive, and focusing on employer assisted homeownership and missing middle housing, Griesemer told council Restore SGF could bring almost 4,000 units into homeownership over a 10-year period.
“We feel that that number would be able to begin to tip the private market in some of these neighborhoods to be able to get there,” he said Tuesday.
More:Newest Restore SGF program pays to flip deteriorating homes in Springfield neighborhoods
In order to be able to add those units, Griesemer asked the council to consider a $3 million annual commitment in funding. Restore SGF Board President Richard Ollis suggested to council Tuesday this annual commitment be one funded by the 1/2-cent portion of the revamped 3/4-cent sales tax voters approved in November. This 1/2-cent portion is slated for projects and initiative supported by the Forward SGF comprehensive plan and is estimated to bring in roughly $30 million annually.
Council recently established a new advisory board to recommend what projects should use the tax money.
Marta Mieze covers local government at the News-Leader. Have feedback, tips or story ideas? Contact her at